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Common Questions


Why do I need a doula if I already have my partner for support?

True and your partner may know you inside and out, but during the birth process there are things that a young or even experienced couple may not have planned for and that is where I can come in and assist.

What is the difference between a doula and a midwife? Aren’t they the same?

While there are some similarities between the two there are also major differences. First off the doula as opposed to the midwife should not do anything medical during the birth as they are there for comfort and support and not diagnostic and medical procedures. Midwives can technically do both roles, but they tend to lean more towards the medical side where as doulas are on the support side.

What does a doula do for the two prenatal meetings?

The two meetings are to strategically go over your birth plan as well as to give information and signing of the contract. Some information will be about techniques to use for you and your partner as well as what to expect in the setting that you wish to have for your birth.

If I don’t give birth in a hospital can I have a doula some other place?

Yes doulas can be in any particular setting in which you would like comfort and support through your labor. Typically hospital settings are the normal route, but it is entirely up to the individual where they feel most comfortable.

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